Conference General Info

Intended Audience

Physicians, Nurses, Lactation Consultants, Dietitians, Certified Nurse Midwives, La Leche League Leaders, WIC Staff, Nutritionists, Nurse Practitioners, & anyone who works with breastfeeding moms.

Education Credits

A total of 6.5 contact hours have been applied for through the following organizations:  GNA, IBLCE, & A.N.D.  You will receive your certificates at the end of the conference.

Little Attendees

The technical nature of this conference requires participant and speaker concentration.  Attendance is therefore limited to adults and quiet infants and young children. If you are bringing your child into sessions, please attend immediately to any situation that may distract others, including happy noises

Dalton Convention Center

2211 Tony Ingle Parkway
Dalton, GA 30720

800.824.7469 or 706.272.7676

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